Seeing as the name of this blog is "Gremlins" i thought it appropriate to write a brief introduction to the gremling species. They are small ranging from 11 inches to 3 feet and they posess rather large and pointy ears very similar to a bat (see figure A)

in the most extreme cases a gremlin's ears can make up roughly 50% of their height. The main coloring is any shade of green including neon on some of the tropical and suburban subspecies.
A gremlin is very dangerous to humans because of needle sharp claws on both the hands and feet. Their diet consists mainly of raw venison, orange food (for example cheetos, oranges, etc) innocent hikers and ice cream. The most prized of these four is innocent hikers a malicious gremlin will attempt any manner of trick or booby trap to ensnare the hiker. The most common booby trap and simplest to make is a pointy stick (see figure B)

If one is so unlucky to come across a pointy stick on a vigorous jaunt through the mountians or along a sidewalk BEWARE you have become the stalked and are potentially prey to any of the local gremlins. If you are merly a recreational hiker then quickly press on and do not under any circumstances touch the pointy stick, only a trained professional should ever dismantle a gremlin booby trap. If i have missed anything in this quick overveiw then i hope one of my colleages will add on to where i left off. If not i have but one closing statement B.O.G (beware of gremlins)
I would like to point out that some species of gremlins also have large claws on their ears.
oh really i am most intrigued by this fact. Are the ones with ear claws older males? rather like the antlers of various deer and elk species? Or are they particular to a certian area of gremlin habitation?
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